“A Child's Dream Learning Environment”
CALL US: 562-400-7737
A Child’s Palace (ACP) is a participant in the Child Development Food Program (CDFP). All enrolled children are eligible to receive free meals. CDFP will reimburse providers for 2 meals and 1 snack daily. ACP focus on providing a wide variety of nutritional whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, and lean meat. On occasion, children are given frozen goods like fish sticks and chicken nuggets, however, these processed goods are kept to a minimal. I do not give children canned vegetables, canned ravioli or spaghetti’o or anything of that nature nor do I offer fried foods. Snacks consist of whole grain bread products (crackers, toast, cereal, etc), fresh fruits or vegetables. Lean meat consists of chicken, turkey, and beef. I do not give the children pork. Special treats are provided for special occasions, like birthday and holiday celebrations. Water is always available and is given to children throughout the day. A weekly menu is posted at the front near the Parent Corner. Please feel free to take a picture of the menu with your phone so that you can have it as a reference.